
How Many Animals Are In Darlington Humane Soicety

7 Ways Animals Are Like Humans

Animals and Humans

dog, boy

(Image credit: Dreamstime)

We humans like to think of ourselves as a special bunch, but it turns out we have plenty in common with other animals. Math? A monkey tin practise it. Tool use? Hey, even birds have mastered that. Civilisation? Pitiful, folks — chimps have it, too.

Here'southward a listing of some of the top parallels between humans and our animal kin. You may be surprised at how similar we are to even our distant relations.

Ears Like a Katydid

Katydid with human ears

Copiphora gorgonensis, a S American katydid establish to take remarkably human-like ears in a report released November. sixteen in the journal Science. (Epitome credit: Daniel Robert and Fernando Montealegre-Zapata )

Humans have complex ears to translate sound waves into mechanical vibrations our brains tin process. So, as it turns out, exercise katydids. Co-ordinate to enquiry published Nov. 16, 2012 in the journal Scientific discipline, katydid ears are arranged very similarly to human ears, with eardrums, lever systems to amplify vibrations, and a fluid-filled vesicle where sensory cells await to convey information to the nervous arrangement. Katydid ears are a scrap simpler than ours, but they tin also hear far in a higher place the human range.

Worlds Similar an Elephant

Koshik, an elephant at a South Korea zoo that can speak Korean.

Koshik, an elephant at the Everland Zoo in Republic of korea, can speak Korean aloud. Here Ashley Stoeger and Daniel Mietchen tape his vocalizations. See more elephant images. (Image credit: Current Biology, Stoeger et al.)

Humans practise reign supreme in the arena of linguistic communication (as far as we know), but even elephants can effigy out how to make the aforementioned sounds nosotros do. According to researchers, an Asian elephant living in a S Korean zoo has learned to apply its trunk and throat to mimic human being words. The elephant can say "hullo," "good," "no," "sit down" and "lie downwardly," all in Korean, of course.

The elephant doesn't appear to know what these words hateful. Scientists remember he may have picked upwards the sounds because he was the only elephant at the zoo from when he was 5 to when he turned 12, leaving him to bond with humans instead.

The Facial Expressions of a Mouse

A white mouse used in science research

A white laboratory mouse. (Image credit: Floris Slooff (opens in new tab), Shutterstock (opens in new tab))

Do you make weird faces when you're in pain? So practise mice. In 2010, researchers at McGill University and the University of British Columbia in Canada constitute that mice subjected to moderate pain "grimace," just similar humans. The researchers said the results could be used to eliminate unnecessary suffering for lab animals by letting researchers know when something hurts the rodents.

The Sleep-Talk of a Dolphin

Beau Richter monitors the breath-holding capability of Puka, a bottlenose dolphin at UC Santa Cruz's Long Marine Laboratory.

Could we someday exist able to talk to dolphins? Here, Young man Richter monitors the breath-holding capability of Puka, a bottlenose dolphin at UC Santa Cruz's Long Marine Laboratory. (Image credit: T. M. Williams/UCSC)

Dolphins may sleep-talk in whale song, according to French researchers who've recorded the marine mammals making the non-native sounds late at night. The five dolphins, which live in a marine park in France, have heard whale songs only in recordings played during the twenty-four hours around their aquarium. Merely at dark, the dolphins seem to mimic the recordings during rest periods, a possible form of sleep-talking. And you thought your nocturnal mumblings were weird.

The House-Building Skill of an Octopus

The veined octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) uses coconut shell halves to build a shelter.

The veined octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) uses coconut shell halves to build a shelter. (Image credit: R. Steene.)

Okay, Frank Lloyd Wright's "Falling H2o" it is not, but a home built by an octopus has the advantage of being mobile.

The veined octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) can make mobile shelters out of kokosnoot shells. When the brute wants to move, all it has to do is stack the shells like bowls, grasp them with stiff legs, and waddle away along the body of water floor to a new location.

The Movements of a Brittle Star

The brittle star doesn't turn as most animals do. It simply designates another of its five limbs as its new front and continues moving forward.

The brittle star doesn't turn as most animals do. Information technology simply designates another of its 5 limbs equally its new front end and continues moving forward. (Image credit: Henry Astley/Brown University)

It'd exist difficult to imagine an organism less like a human being than a brittle star, a starfish-similar creature that doesn't even have a central nervous system. And yet these five-armed wonders move with coordination that mirrors human locomotion.

Brittle stars have radial symmetry, meaning their bodies can exist split into matching halves by drawing imaginary lines through their arms and central axis. Humans and other mammals, in comparison, have bilateral symmetry: Yous can carve up u.s. in half i way, with a line drawn straight through our bodies. About of the time, animals with radial symmetry move fiddling or motility up and downward, like a jellyfish that propels itself through the water. Brittle stars, still, move forward, perpendicular to their trunk axis — a skill usually reserved for the bilaterally symmetrical.

Brain Like a Dove


Photo (Epitome credit: Lozba Paul / Stock.XCHNG)

Gamblers in Vegas take something in common with pigeons on the sidewalk, and it's not just a fascination with shiny objects. In fact, pigeons make gambles just like humans, making choices that leave them with less coin in the long run for the elusive promise of a large payout.

When given a choice, pigeons volition button a button that gives them a big, rare payout rather than one that offers a small reward at regular intervals. This questionable determination may stem from the surprise and excitement of the big reward, co-ordinate to a study published in 2010 in the periodical Proceedings of the Imperial Society B. Human gamblers may exist similarly lured in by the idea of major boodle, no thing how long the odds.

Stephanie Pappas is a contributing writer for Live Science, covering topics ranging from geoscience to archaeology to the human brain and behavior. She was previously a senior author for Alive Scientific discipline but is now a freelancer based in Denver, Colorado, and regularly contributes to Scientific American and The Monitor, the monthly magazine of the American Psychological Association. Stephanie received a bachelor's caste in psychology from the University of S Carolina and a graduate document in science advice from the University of California, Santa Cruz.


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